Our mission is to empower women globally by offering self-defense classes that nurture self-confidence, independence, and self-esteem. Our training is tailored to align with each individual’s unique core body strengths, providing them with effective defensive techniques.

Additionally, we partner with organizations to bolster workplace safety. Collaborating closely with management, we conduct a needs assessment, business brown bag presentations and comprehensive staff training sessions. Our focus is to educate and empower employees with essential tools for situational awareness and personal defense strategies, ensuring their safety before, during, and after work hours.

Our global vision is to create a safer world by equipping individuals and communities with the skills and knowledge to protect themselves and others.


“Empowerment is rooted in knowledge, self-confidence, and self-awareness, among other characteristics, and it isn’t influenced by one’s background, race, religion, socio-economic status, or education. Displaying self-confidence in public and knowing how to avoid or effectively respond to confrontations makes you far less likely to be a target for predators. Since 2014, we’ve helped to empower more than 1,500 adult women, tweens, and and teens, and I have to believe that this has had a positive impact on our community’s health and safety.”

In essence, the benefits of self-defense training go far beyond the ability to protect oneself in dangerous situations. They foster a range of skills and qualities that contribute to a healthier, more successful, and more balanced life in the long run.

“Jay was very knowledgeable and professional when teaching my friend and I self defense strategies. The information was relevant and helpful. Every woman should take the class!”